New impulse for business activities in Mechelen
Renovation hall complex next to De Motte SME Park
Project developer Olivier Beherman has applied for a building permit from the municipality of Mechelen for a major renovation of a number of factory halls on the Ragheno site that connect to the old Ragheno hall where Peugeots were made until 1975.
The renovation concerns various spaces with a total surface area of 2500 m². It is not a supplement but a continuation of the rehabilitation process of the local SME zone.
The existing building will be brought as much as possible back to its original appearance. The coatings added later are removed and the brick walls are restored. The shed roof will be replaced and extended over the entire length of the existing building. To meet contemporary needs, the building is divided into different entities and equipped with new gates, integrated into the existing section of the facades. The updated units are intended for rental.
The vacant site for the shed will be furnished with ample parking spaces that will be embedded in landscaping on site. The works will be carried out by Vulsteke Industriebouw from Kortemark, who previously realized the SME park De Motte with 14 new business units next to the hall complex. Olivier Beherman hopes that renovation work can be started shortly.. Afterwards, the large Peugeot hall will be tackled in collaboration with the public actors.